Battle Bridge V.1 Launch Day!

Its GOLD! 

Finally, Battle Bridge is launched and ready! Now i can relax a little since its off my development schedule. 

For the new players out there below is the full development log of Battle Bridge

For the ones who have been chilling and been keeping tabs, welcome back and enjoy the full game. I must say that the extra 1 month gave me a little bit more time to polish up certain areas and also the "difficulty" of the game. 

The V.1 felt the most complete to date but however there is always the dreaded 3 letters in the gaming industry "Could Be Better".
Sadly Battle Bridge was written on and off for the past 4 years. all my scripts and codes have been spaghettified! but that the same time looking back at codes and script i wrote, its better to close them in the best possible way since rewriting could lead to a new game ? perhaps Battle Bridge 2? :P

Well Im tired after the weekend and Monday crunch to give a last minute extra check, game balance i did before launch. Until then i will see you in the next game project!

Files Play in browser
34 days ago

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